Ran across this four month old puppy at the dog park this evening.

Ran across this four month old puppy at the dog park this evening. His ears were large enough I thought he could hear the future.

It was his second outing to the dog park and he was a little nervous around Rufus and Charlie, but after a few seconds he became a bit more confident.

The only real problem I saw with his was his sloped back. It was severely angled and I think it's just hideous on GSDs. I really tried to get a side shot of his standing but he sat very quickly and whenever I kneeled down either Rufus or Charlie would get in the way.

By the way, his name was "Chewie" as in Chewbacca. Apparently the breeder named all his dogs after Star Trek characters and just to stay "sci-fi" Chewie's owner named him after the Wookie. The breeder apparently flipped his lid when he found out. He's not much of a SW fan.


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