Kimberly Iudakova didn't like my comment on her post (disagreeing with her) so she disabled comments.

Kimberly Iudakova didn't like my comment on her post (disagreeing with her) so she disabled comments.

She believes Thomas Jefferson believed the state should have no influence on the church but the church should have influence over the state.

I disagree with that sentiment: religions should have no say in matters of government.

Since we can't discuss this subject on her post, perhaps we can discuss it here. What do you think?

Originally shared by ****

A quote from our founding father that America must always remain "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" to qualify for God's provision and God's protection.


Brenda Curtis said…
Why do they insist of equating God with Christianity?
Jonathon Barton said…
I think that resharing her post (instead of linking to it, and removing the autolink preview at the bottom) serves to spread the idiocy... You know me - We may not see eye to eye on everything, or be best buds, but I'm not an idiot, and I was still sucked in by that image for a second, thinking it was YOU who was arguing to support the point...
Colin Fosgate said…
She disabled comments because no argument in the world could possibly defend such nonsense.
Brenda Curtis because their book told them there are no other Gods. Zeus is really unhappy that after all that help he gave Ben Franklin with electricity, the nation keeps excluding Him. ;-)
Noze P. said…
I belive that its not her since months posting on that profile.
William Wylde said…
I think that what one believes will influence how one votes.  Beyond that, no.   I'm sure Jefferson wouldn't have, either, a man who thinks that you should leave people alone unless someone breaks a bone, or robs him doesn't sound like a theocrat.
Tom McGill said…
Just more proof that all you need to be popular on G+ is blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pair of tits.

Not one of her posts makes a damn bit of sense, even to the looney right types I know personally.
Tom McGill said…
... rofl, I use to have her in my circles a long, long time ago.  She use to post mostly nudes.... now this?  Maybe she got hacked... or more likely she's just plain old crazy.  Sometimes schizophrenia hits unexpectedly.
Noze P. said…
Tom McGill she not only posted nudes. Kimberly is profoundly unreligous and the opposite of what you see on her profile now. Or its hacked (which i think is since noone answers ever) or she got brainwash ed.
Tom Asby said…
My only question is where she gets her information? That second half wasn't a quote, it was opinion. Where is her citation?
Now, by Thomas Jefferson, she means the guy who raped his wife's underage half-sister (Sally Hemings, his wife's half-sister, was a sixteen year old slave at the beginning of their 'relationship', unable to consent to sex on two counts) and held his own children as slaves? Yeah... I'm gonna say even if he did preach this garbage, we have moved beyond his worldview.
Jason ON said…
Yeah Tom McGill , she's obviously from some circle share a while ago and was dumped in my 'religious discussion' circle. Turns out she doesn't like discussion.
Eric Swerdlin said…
Jefferson was a diest, not a Christion, 
Kimberly is not only narrow minded, but also wrong on her facts.
Noze P. said…
Report the profile Jason ON im pretty sure its hacked.

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