I kind if let Twitter fall to the wayside as I used Google+ more and more often.

I kind if let Twitter fall to the wayside as I used Google+ more and more often. Are you still using Twitter? What role does it fill for you?



Wasim Muklashy said…
2 years on Twitter, 65 followers, minimal engagement. 2 years on Google Plus, 14,000 followers and friends with full engagement. Twitter is poo.
Twitter is just a repeater for my Google+ posts. I look at it every so often beyond mention notifications. It is increasingly falling into the ignore space like Facebook did for me.

I think it is partially due to my hate of soundbite information and Twitter does not allow for anything but that.
Gem Hodges said…
Twitter is fantastic for meeting people at events. I use it for that and connecting with others when it needs to be short - like a text message. It's as intrusive as SMS except no one baulks at giving you their twitter handle. You don't need mobile numbers when everyone's on twitter :)
definitely still use #Twitter and mostly to connect with professionals and businesses in #CapeTown - started to use Google+ more the past 2 weeks / find me tweeting: http://twitter.com/iAmnotMany #iAnM

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