Can someone take a look at this for me and let me know what you think?

Can someone take a look at this for me and let me know what you think? For some reason I think I FUBAR'd it and can't convince myself it's okay.

That's all the languages I know. :)


Nate Taylor said…
About home and can view it. Are we proofing the context, images, or overall the article?
I certainly am no help when it comes to words n such.
ted kelly said…
I'm thinking geology might fit better than geography.
Jason ON said…
Thanks, ted kelly, I did mean geology. I'll have to go change that.

Nate Taylor, for some reason I thought I FUBAR'd the the HTML and I just wanted to make sure the hyperlink in the image worked by bringing people back to the gallery view.

Also, for some reason this post no longer shows up in my "Published" posts and I thought maybe it was going to disappear. I checked it out in incognito but needed other eyes to take a look at it.

Thanks guys.
ted kelly said…
Good shots - site works good - loved the shot of bridge - video made me nervous (lol)
Jason ON said…
Not my video, but we did drive up and over, stopping here and there to take pics. :)

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