Out walking the dogs and a bird just pooped on me! Can you believe that?

Out walking the dogs and a bird just pooped on me! Can you believe that?


Dave Maez said…
I'm more curious about those foot gloves.
Bobbi Jo Woods said…
That's actually good luck.
Jerry Battiste said…
It's considered a sign of good luck.
Jason ON said…
Oh good, I could use some good luck.
Steve Ruge said…
It's been a very poopy week so far. My car has been bombed three times.
Congrats! It's better then people pooping on you!!!
Hey, who was laughing at me a while back when my dog got sprayed by a skunk? ;)
Noble said…
I'd say that's bad luck...
Chris Hoover said…
I think the bird was aiming at your Filas.
Jacqui S said…
i hope it washes off!

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