Are the mysteries of physics not found in string theory or quantum mechanics but instead found in 100 year old...

Are the mysteries of physics not found in string theory or quantum mechanics but instead found in 100 year old technology that we take for granted?

We still don’t really know how bicycles work.


Nate Taylor said…
Get a certificate warning from mobile.
Nate Taylor said…
There we go... Must have been the way Currents handled the link.

Edit: Never mind. When I returned to browser to read it, the warning was there.
I'll try it once at work... Those warnings sketch me out on my phone.
Nate Taylor said…
And why did it load the whole page before warning me? That's a major flaw!
Jason ON said…
Not sure. There's been some issues with sharing from Google Currents. Just ask Jannik Lindquist.
Nate Taylor said…
It was a rhetoricle question out of frustration.
Google Currents is almost completely unusable at the moment as it can't generate proper urls for sharing. And no one at Google seems to care

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