If Republicans can't defeat Obamacare at the federal level, then why not be obstructionists at the state level?

If Republicans can't defeat Obamacare at the federal level, then why not be obstructionists at the state level? You know, to go out of their way to  make it difficult or impossible for those who need the insurance the most to be the least likely to be able to obtain it.

Originally shared by Ken Latta

Just confirmation of Sabotage amongst Neo-Confederate doings:


Robert L Melvin said…
I do not believe in the stars and bars.  But I am a strong state rights person.  If the state goes Republican then that what the people want.
Jason ON said…
Then you're seriously ignorant on how politics work. You don't understand campaign finance, gerrymandering, voting rights or a myriad of other things that determine who gets elected and who gets to stay elected.

I'm not entire sure what "the stars and bars" are. Do you mean Old Glory? How can you not believe in a flag? They're everywhere. it's not like they require a leap of faith or anything.
Robert L Melvin said…
Jason ON The stars and bars is the old south flags.  The stars and stripe beat the star and bars in the Civil War.  How can I be ignorant if both side do the same thing, or is it only when Republicans do it at it is wrong.  I live in Tucson, and the Democrat fixes the system so no Republican can get a fair shake.
Rob Gordon said…
This man of course gets government supplied health insurance.  He is just doing his best so the rest of us don't even have a chance to buy it.
Jason ON said…
Who would "this man" be Rob Gordon ?

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