Does a judge have the right to change a child's given name for religious reasons?

Does a judge have the right to change a child's given name for religious reasons?

Originally shared by Brenda Curtis

It's just a word. If parents can name there child River, Sarah, Apple, Ezekiel, Blue, then Messiah shouldn't be a problem. And oh hey, IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S business!


James Karaganis said…
Christian privilege combined with judicial arrogance.
Violation of church and state on its face
Marty Nozz said…
It was a really stupid thing to name a kid though.
Jeff Chapman said…
Stupid name but retarded legal action. This would actually be a suggestion of state endorsement of religion... in addition any Jew would say the messiah has not yet come... there is also no law preventing names which are not vulgar. Are there any men named Jesus that this judge has ordered renamed?
Jason ON said…
Marty Nozz , there are a lot of stupid names for children out there, it's not the Judge's right to choose what religious terms or people can be names after or she's going to have to start going after all the "Jesus'" Pauls, Peters or Marys out there.
Marty Nozz said…
Sure.  Just sayin' though, that judge did that kid a huge favor if the new name ends up sticking.
James Karaganis said…
True ... think of possible nicknames: "Hey, Mess, get up here and clean your room."
Marty Nozz said…
Not to mention the MOUNTAIN of shit everyone would give him growing up.

"Guess you think you're so special being the chosen one and all."

"Hey, why don't you make yourself useful and turn this water into wine."

"What's the matter, Messiah?  Daddy not take you oversee all creation for bring you kid to work day?"

I'm siding with the judge.  His reasoning is stupid, but that name is stupider.

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