Water is the one substance on this planet that is absolutely required for life and this guy thinks it should be...

Water is the one substance on this planet that is absolutely required for life and this guy thinks it should be privatized. And if his organization and interests can buy the right congress-people, this could become a fact of life. 


Gwenny Todd said…
OMG, Nestle is the worst company.  I have been boycotting them since the 1980s when they were selling sub standard baby formula in 3rd World countries and not even bothering to show the women how to use it so babies were dying of malnutrition from formula that was too diluted.
Jason ON said…
Bothering to show ...  _what_?
Jason ON said…
Yeah, the website isn't the most reliable, but there is a video ...
Jason ON said…
In the original video (in the link I provided) at about the 2 minute mark, he's very clear: there are two ideologies regarding the earth's water supply. The first, he says is extreme, that water is a natural right, that anyone should have access to good clean drinking water; the second, he says he agrees with, is that water should be treated as a commodity and controlled by industries and governments.

Well, who controls governments? Industries. Once you settle that water supplies are the purveyance of the corporations, then people have lost a most basic right to a life enabling substance.
Jeff Chapman said…
I'm now starting the FreshAire company because we need to privatize air.

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