Chrome History

Google Chrome annoyed me. 

A couple of weeks ago I read this article on's website: Is Human Nature Fundamentally Selfish or Altruistic?

Therefore, that website URL should be in my Chrome history. Since I wanted to refer back to this particular article for a comment I was making on Google+, I went to Chrome ==> History and used the search function to search my Chrome history. I tried searching '" and Chrome could not, or would not, find that page in my history. I tried searching "children behavior," also with no success. I tried searching "time" and still couldn't get the page to show.

So, having loaded the page today (for my reference and for this blog post) I went back to Chrome History and performed another search of "" I could see the article's URL page listed right there, maybe the fourth or fifth page down on the history. 

This article was not found. Nothing from was found. What's the point of a searchable history is the searching doesn't come up with your history? And how could Google not find "" when I could see the article page right there on my screen?


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