A little encouragement to intimidate voters, Mitt Romney ?

A little encouragement to intimidate voters, Mitt Romney ?

Originally shared by Nicholas Vilppu

Let's add voter intimidation to the list of Romney's accomplishments. He is really grasping at straws here now, but is it sad that I am not surprised but this?

#romneyryan2012   #obama2012  


John Mitchell said…
The mind boggles!
That is so improper, manipulative and insulting.
Theresa Reel said…
Koch brothers have already sent their intimidation letters to all their employees.
John Mitchell said…
I trust citizens will do what their conscience dictates.
Whichever way they vote.
Unfortunately, conscience is often twisted (or at least squeezed painfully) when your employer is trying to dictate something to you.
Gem F said…
I thought the point of secret ballots was to prevent intimidation as a tactic. Am I missing something?
Secret ballots are an attempt to address intimidation (among other things), but that doesn't stop people attempting to intimidate anyway.
Theresa Reel said…
Correct and in states like Idaho, employees have had issues with parking at work, and the bumper stickers they have on their vehicles.  In some smaller areas, conversations have even come up regarding political signs they have in their yard at home.  Intimidation is alive and well in MANY places - sad but true.

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