So, science did that again.

So, science did that again.

Originally shared by ****

Ricky Gervais - telling it like it is??

What are your thoughts?

#lizzyspit  xx


Logan Cate said…
Dear Science,

You created gunpowder and guns and allowed me to shoot a girl in the head for wanting to learn all those devil teachings you figured out.

Brian Earle said…
Is religion really more dangerous than science?  Science is a tool not a way of life.  There are scary fanatics and there are loving open people.
Jason ON said…
Religion is way more dangerous that science. Science is a tool, like a hammer. It serves a function, but can be used by people outside that prescribed function.

Religion is an idea, a way of life. Especially in Abrahamic religions, it teaches people of a group they're better than other people of a different group.
Rick Nimo said…
Passion is probably more dangerous than logic and reason.  But either path can go awry.
Tim Bond said…
Science, by definition, involves rational thought. Removing the rational thought process from something created or developed by science invites danger.

Religion, by definition, teaches people to eschew rational thought and take things on faith while usually ignoring actual, indisputable, real-world evidence.  Add irrational passion into THAT mix and that's when trouble happens.
Blair Warner said…
That's ridiculous! It was man who did both. Blame man, nor religion or science.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Science invented gunpowder, but it was religion that told that man to use it.
Blair Warner said…
So shortsighted. Man invented gunpowder and man decided to use it to kill either out of greed, envy, jealousy, hatred in his heart. Besides, science is just nature explained. Who discovered and explained it, man.  What is in the heart of man is what will come out, every time, for good or for ill. Blame is another thing in people's heart. Most people don't want to except responsibility for what is in their hearts and subsequently in their actions. Just say'n.
Jason ON said…
Man didn't discover Nature, nature was already there, before man. If anything, Nature discovered Man.

What is in the "heart" of man? Easy, what did religion put there?
Blair Warner said…
Jason ON Your first statement is true indeed. We observed and explained and harnessed nature. Your 2nd statement shows you don't know your own heart, and how little you understand human history, no offense. Religion put greed and envy, and jealousy, and racism, and self-centeredness in man's heart? That is the first time I have heard that. Again, no offense, just being blunt.
Tim McAdam said…
Is being an Atheist a religion?? If not, how do you explain it when they go postal??  Maybe we need to clarify what "religion" is....  Scientology is considered a religion, no?? and it's based on science.  Being consumed with greed could be considered a religion, right? If all forms of worship are "religion", then you would be right, but when people hear the word "religion" they normally assume it to mean Catholics, Protestants, Baptist, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim... etc.  and that is the normal intent when saying "religion or religious" is to place blame on them. True "religion" based on what you worship needs to have a different name so painting with a broad brush isn't the intent... or is it?
Jeff Chapman said…
Logan Cate ever hear of stoning.  science didn't make stones.
Jeff Chapman said…
Tim McAdam most people who go postal are not atheists.  People who go postal are, in fact, in an irrational state of mind.  Driven by anger, frustration or fear and regardless of their religion are exceptions to the norm.
Jason ON said…
Blair Warner, religions didn't put those things in man's heart, I agree, but religions did reinforce and indoctrinate those ideals into cultures, taking what one or two people in a tribe might have thought and making them the norm over the course of generations.

Tim McAdam, you're right, we should be more specific on the usage of the term religion

per "define religion" in Google:

1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
2. Details of belief as taught or discussed.

For the sake of this discussion I think we can all agree to these definitions.

But I believe you're right, anything that brings peace to the (proverbial) soul can be defined as a religion. For some it would be playing golf, for others it might be wilderness hiking and others still it might be automechanics.
Tim McAdam said…
Jeff Chapman that was the point I was trying to make
Blair Warner said…
Sounds like science is your religion, then, for you worship it,  but... how can you worship a body of information and facts? I  guess it is more accurate to say you worship nature, and now you are back to prehistoric beliefs, like sun worship and stuff.  Religion must have an object of worship or it cannot be called "religion". Call it anything else, but not religion. Sorry, I typed this before you put forth the Google definition..
Jason ON said…
So Buddhism and Confucianism aren't religions to you, Blair Warner? Neither of them have gods or an object of worship.
Blair Warner said…
Jason ON Every tribe, culture, generation, people, exhibit greed, envy, jealousy, self-centeredness, resulting in racism, hate, murder, etc. Religion just put it in scalable, definable, terms placing it in contrast to their opposites and, placing value on such, and de-value (for lack of better words) on ther former.
Blair Warner said…
Jeff Chapman What causes the anger, and fear and frustration and irrational state of mind? Lack of purpose and value. Lack of being loved and loving back, etc. which, all true religions espouse as true values, no?
Jason ON said…
No, Blair Warner, those attributes to individuals, not groups. Religions are what ties the traits of those individuals to groups.
Blair Warner said…
I have to go, but my point is, without intentionally debating was that MAN, PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS are the cause of all societal trouble regardless of science, or religion, or education, or the lack thereof. Take a human with a clean slate, and he/she will invent and do all the things we have done the last 10,000 years all over again. Agree, or disagree?
Tim McAdam said…
Jason ON ..... I'm just being a smart arse here.......
"Religion is an idea, a way of life. Especially in Abrahamic religions, it teaches people of a group they're better than other people of a different group."
Would that make Sheldon a religion?  LOL!
Logan Cate said…
Tim McAdam Scientology is based on science in the same way that religion is: it isn't. 

Wiki states that religion is a way to tie humanity to spirituality. That sounds like a good start, and precludes greed from being a religion. Greed could be a tenant of a religion, but greed itself is not.
Logan Cate said…
Jeff Chapman That was a joke. :\
Jason ON said…
It technically could, Tim McAdam. :D
Tim McAdam said…
Logan Cate
greed toward something is a form of idol worship... you may not be "praying" to it , but it is what you might be "worshiping" and sometimes basing your life worth on or putting your "faith" in....
Jeff Chapman said…
Logan Cate again I call for the creation of a sarcasm font.  
Blair Warner religions may espouse those values but actions speak louder than words and their actions are usually the opposite of their words.
Blair Warner said…
Jason ON No, they are philosophies, ways of thinking and life,  and they worship themselves, mankind, not a supreme being. Of course, if you want to get technical they are humanistic based "religions" since they worship human beings as the ultlmate "god-like" being.
Blair Warner said…
Jeff Chapman Your last statement dated 2:17 is true, or, I should say , I agree.
Jason ON said…
Blair Warner, all religions are philosophies.
Blair Warner said…
Jason ON I can't agree with your disagreement above. Regardless of whether one is a athiest or theist, your disagreement does not hold water that man is basically altruistic. If there is no god, then "altruistic" man invented religion and god, and if there is a god, "altruistic" man distorted it all. However you look at it the proof is in the pudding, look at us now. Look at history. The clean slate I mentioned above is what mankind had years a go and this is what we ended up with, and we STILL have no answer or see any change in sight. The only true answer is for us to admit we are all basically self-centered which results in greed and everything thereafter, and figure out the answer from there as the starting place of our journey or search, however you want to call it.

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