Dear Pastor Bryan,

So, I read an article on FreeThoughtsBlog and there was link to Pastor Bryan's church website to leave him a comment. I'm assuming this comment system is for his parishioners and not the rest of us, but seeing as I had a couple of minutes I went ahead and sent this message to him:

Pastor Bryan, 

You, sir, are a moron. I read your comments about atheists being evil and have no life purpose other than to disparage your belief system. 

You're wrong. 

Atheists live perfectly normal lives. They go to school, do your taxes, make your coffee, and fix your home when it breaks. They raise families, vote and, yes, spend time in foxholes. 

Speaking of which, I am a veteran. I gave up my rights to free speech to protect yours; I gave up my rights guaranteed to ever American regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or sex so you could keep yours; I gave up my rights to manage my own life so you could continue freely managing yours. 

I'm also an atheist. I was an atheist when I took my oath to defend this nation and the people it's comprised of and I continued to be an atheist while sitting in the proverbial foxhole, serving in a foreign land during a foreign war. 

You see, I don't believe in good an evil like you do and your fellow sky father worshipers believe in them. I believe in benevolence and malevolence -- I believe in the ability of mankind to perform acts of great passion and selflessness as much as I believe in the greed of man and his ability to trample on others to satisfy his self.

I believe historically religions have proven themselves to be the worst of mankind's so-called evil. Wars are fought for and by religions, crimes against humanity are done in the name of religions and prisons are filled with the devout.

I am an atheist and I served my time in a foxhole. I did so for my own reasons and when it came time to pray I didn't. I looked to my left and to my right, to the faces I lived and worked with, and trusted in their training, their skills and their ability just as they trusted in mine.

You say there are no atheists in foxholes? Well, I say there are no christians in foxholes, because we all know your god does not exist. You god gives no proof of his existence and does not interfere with the goals of man. You know this and self-confessed christians know this to be true. Your god does not pick favorites nor are the survivors special or chosen. Surviving war is a result of training, circumstance and luck. 

No gods need apply.


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