It took me some time today to jump on G+ due to a response I read when I woke up this morning.

It took me some time today to jump on G+ due to a response I read when I woke up this morning. You see, when I wake up I check emails and usually notifications from my phone before getting out of bed.

One of the first notifications I read is linked to below. Laura Manach makes a post, I comment and then she calls me a troll or stupid.

That sort of pissed me off and I didn't want to be near SM for a few hours lest I lash out. As it is, my response isn't the nicest response I could have made, but it's much nicer than I would have posted 8 hours ago.

Anywho, what part of my first comment was trolling or stupid? I tried to right it off as Laura Manach being French descent and it being a cultural thing, but I can't get over it.

Am I wrong? Do I appear to be trolling? Or stupid?


Tim Bond said…
No, neither. Perhaps a bit know-it-all, but not in a nasty way. And you didn't even make fun of the poor spelling.
Jason Bayton said…
I'd just block and move on to be honest.
Jason ON said…
Okay. I was just wondering if for some reason I was coming off as trolling. When I troll, I troll on purpose. :D
Jason ON said…
Staci Finch Thompson, yeah, after 8 hours that was still the nicest I could be.
I did not take your comment as trolling/stupid either. You did respond well, all things (anger) considered.
Jason Bovee said…
Perhaps this is a tiny case of the pot calling the kettle black. Did anyone happen to catch her re-post of the twin towers, caption "We used to be the tallest buildings in New York, then we took an Arab to the knee." Her defense there was that she was just a troll, and to never take anything she posts seriously.

The anti-America rhetoric is strong with that one.
Jason ON said…
Not sure if I saw that one, Jason Bovee.
Jason Bovee said…
Jason ON - ... now I want the 5 minutes of my life it took sorting through that post/attention whore's shite back.
Jason ON said…
Jason Bovee, what are the viking helmets for? I don't get it.
Thanks, Amy Donovan.
Jason Bovee said…
Jason ON, it's a meme from Skyrim, a video game. "I used to be an adventurer, but then I took an arrow to the knee" - or something of the sort - is what they based it off of.
Jason ON said…
Ah. I've never played Skyrim. I got the "arrow to the knee" reference, though.

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