I was just scrolling through my stream thinking to myself: wow, there are a lot of people online tonight who like...

I was just scrolling through my stream thinking to myself: wow, there are a lot of people online tonight who like the sames things I do!

And then I noticed I was looking at my stream. Ha ha ha!


Susan Hosea said…
Too funny, but i do that everytime i log in. LOL
Una Schade said…
I giggled at this. I wish there was the option to see a timeline of every single public post.. Not just hot ones, or local ones :)
Jason ON said…
There is, go to search and type in just the letter s (I think) and it pulls in all new posts.
Jason ON said…
Yeah I tried it and it didn't work. It's something simple like that. Ironically, I'm "searching" for exactly that and can't find it.
Una Schade said…
Lol :) Oh well. I'll google it later.

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