If you meet one ass hole a day then it is probably them if you meet 5 ass holes a day look in the mirror.
I think it is funny (or sad) how the people who are really fanatical about religion tend to forget the core values that they are preaching when they are faced with people who have an opposing view.
The same goes for some Atheists too, by them trying to force their view on people who are very religious they are doing the same thing that they hate about other religions pushing their views onto them.
I don't care what you do or don't believe in but I don't need to have you try and convince me!
Are you a terrorist? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-declares-all-atheists-are-terrorists-in-new-law-to-crack-down-on-political-dissidents-9228389.html
Of the two of them, we now know which one Vlad "the Mad" Putin believes is the girl in their relationship. For a "macho macho man" like #DonaldTrump that's going to hurt. #TrumpNation http://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/05/vladmir-putin-donald-trump/
I think it is funny (or sad) how the people who are really fanatical about religion tend to forget the core values that they are preaching when they are faced with people who have an opposing view.
The same goes for some Atheists too, by them trying to force their view on people who are very religious they are doing the same thing that they hate about other religions pushing their views onto them.
I don't care what you do or don't believe in but I don't need to have you try and convince me!