Stupid humans!

Stupid humans!


Kryptyk Physh said…
Why not just get mongrels? Isn't that what the dogs would do left to their own devices, anyway?
Jason ON said…
I met a guy a few years ago who had a Great Dane. This poor dane walked around with 4 or 5 "training" collars on his neck at all times and they were tight. Really tight. I couldn't get my fingers anywhere near under them.

One day he showed up and the dog's ears were bandaged. I disagreed silently. About a month later he showed up again with the dogs ears still in bandages. I asked him what was taking so long to heal. His response? He had to get them done twice since he didn't like the way they looked the first time.

I nearly hit him.
Kryptyk Physh said…
Dogs are workmates or part of the family. Not bloody fashion accessories.
Jason ON said…
Most, if not all shelters, will spay or neuter when you adopt so you have no control over that. But yes, most people do spay and neuter their animals.
Hope Abrams said…
I have friends that have Boxers. Ralphie, the biggest of the lot likes to tussle. He tussled too much and got his ear bit and ripped. When I saw Ralphie's ear my friend said that's why people clip Boxer's ears. And it made sense.
Hope Abrams said…
Just read your comment about the Dane and I said a most unladylike thing out loud. Jerk.
Jason ON said…
And there are reasons for that too. For example, cattle dogs get their tails docked because the cattle will grab the dogs by the tails and snap their spines. As much as I dislike it, when it's functional I accept it.
Jason ON said…
Breeders will, Arpit Srivastava. Most people try to keep their dogs from breeding.
Kryptyk Physh said…
If you're not going to breed your dog, it does make sense to get your pet neutered. Really.
Hope Abrams said…
I'm torn about the spay and neuter thing, morally. Or is it ethically, I get them mixed up. Either way all of my animals are fixed. Anyway, sadly a whole lot of people don't spay and neuter. And Arpit Srivastava , your comment just popped up. I'll sit back and watch Alice Cabrera respond because I have a feeling she'll give the same answer I would.
Courtney Meyer said…
I have a pitbull i got at 6 weeks old, she is a purebred blue nose, she is the sweetest dog i have ever owned, she even has a better temperment than out english bulldog!
Brenda Curtis said…
unfortunately we can't ban stupid people so the animals pay the price.
Courtney Meyer said…
Ps my babies ears arent cut and shes beautiful just the way she is.
Renee Murphy said…
Getting back to the post......Owners not dogs are to blame for the behavior of the dog. There is a need to pass tougher laws against owners who abuse their animals.
Jason ON said…
Sure we can, Brenda Curtis. we host a tea party rally, gather them all up and ship them off to a nice conservative country... like Iran.
Courtney Meyer said…
Awwwwwwwww!!! She looks like my ruby! How freaking cute is that! Take a look at my wall ill post pics of mine in a min
Steve Ruge said…
Aww I wish I could have one here. We have stupid Breed-Specific Laws in this part of Colorado. :(
Jason ON said…
That's way wrong, Arpit Srivastava. There aren't that many street mongrels when compared to abandoned family dogs and cats in the US. And many people in the US don't respect the animal enough to find it a good home if they're unwanted, they just turn it over to a shelter or let it run wild. It's sad really.
Jason ON said…
This is the shelter just up the street from me:

As you can see, there are dozens of dogs up for adoption, many are purebred. This is but one shelter in the Denver area and that number does not include the breed specific rescue groups.
Hope Abrams said…
Do animals miss reproducing? That's not the point. And we can't know that for sure anyway. Is it wrong to put your animal through the trauma of getting fixed? Personally I hate doing it to the them. But that's not the point either. Is it wrong to deny an animal it's natural ability to reproduce? That's still not the point. The most important reason to get your animal fixed, the reason that trumps all others, hands down, no argument, is to save the lives of other animals that will be killed because there is not enough available homes for them all. Period. People either don't remember that fact or turn a blind eye to it when they breed animals, either for profit or for just one litter. And people need to be aware. The amount of animals that we kill is atrocious and horrifying. And it's not limited to the US. I've heard from others in other countries and the problem seems to be universal.

Alice Cabrera You made your arguments wonderfully, I just had to add my two cents.
Arpit Srivastava Thank you for admitting that you've abandoned your argument. I for one appreciate that you've changed your mind and I hope that you won't try to convince any others that it's okay to breed their animals. Because your original argument, sad to say, is a large part of the problem.
sookie sooker said…
I got one of these, Rescued from a shelter (long timer ) he is neutered, tagged , acts like a walking teddy bear, and still has his ears (which are one of his best features). I just love him to bits .
sarah berryman said…
neutering your pets to stop them reproducing isn't the only reason to get it done ...there's stopping them from roaming and potentially being hit by cars or picked up as strays and euthanised if not claimed , there's the benefit of them being far less likely of developing testicular cancers and in the females mammary tumours and pyometra .
not desexing your pet is irresponsible , your dog won't be the one suffering - it's the six or ten dogs in the shelter who will die because those potential homes were taken by your puppies .
La Pachamama NZ said…
too true. I notice you don't say desex me! But that is probably the one humane thing humans do do for their dogs - ironically this is what many humans refuse to do!

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