Connie Hammond is looking for a few good Circles. Help a Plusser out, will ya?
Connie Hammond is looking for a few good Circles. Help a Plusser out, will ya?
Originally shared by Connie Hammond
If you're going to share your circles, here are a few I'd really like to get my hands on:
1. circles of tried, true and cheap off-shore website talent
2. circles of unknown, but funny as hell, comedians
3. circles of entrepreneurs who started their business in 2010/2011 and have good info to share.
4. circles of people who said goodbye to corporate America in order to live a lifestyle (one worth following).
5. circles of people in social media who've grown a huge following in under a year on their own and are sharing their secrets.
What circles would you like to see? Where's the master list I can choose from?
Originally shared by Connie Hammond
If you're going to share your circles, here are a few I'd really like to get my hands on:
1. circles of tried, true and cheap off-shore website talent
2. circles of unknown, but funny as hell, comedians
3. circles of entrepreneurs who started their business in 2010/2011 and have good info to share.
4. circles of people who said goodbye to corporate America in order to live a lifestyle (one worth following).
5. circles of people in social media who've grown a huge following in under a year on their own and are sharing their secrets.
What circles would you like to see? Where's the master list I can choose from?