So I came to the bank here to deposit some money.

So I came to the bank here to deposit some money. As I'm standing in line waiting for the teller I notice all the marketing signs inside the branch are in Spanish. All the directional signs are in English or at least bilingual, but the marketing signs are only in Spanish.

While talking to the teller I mention this. She tells me they can't have sign in every language and I agree, but English should at least be represented, right?

Oh, there's some signs in English by the front door, she tells me. So I ran something by her: let's say I came in and stood in line while waiting for a teller. Let's say I'm looking around. What do I see? Signs in Spanish -- no English represented.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these this is 'Merca and we speak the English here people I was just curious why English wasn't represented more prominently. I've lived in too many countries and travelled too much to not accept bi- or tri-lingual signs, but sans the language of the land as prominantly as this place is doing? I mean, this isn't Little China, Mexico, Italy or anything. This is smack dab in the middle of the Denver Metro area.

Anywho, just my little musing.


Susanna Ivette said…
I dislike Wells Fargo and Chase with a passion, go somewhere else =P
Jason ON said…
Unfortunately I'm grandfathered into my WellsFargo account I've had for 20 years and don't pay the fees newer accounts have to pay for the luxury of banking with them.
Jason ON said…
Alice Cabrera, you're technically right, we don't have an official national language in the USA, but we do have a primary language -- you know, the one bills are written in, court proceedings are written in, a vast majority of pop culture communicates in, and, oh yeah, the Constitution is written in. So yes, while we do not have an official national language we do have a national language.
I switched to USAA years and years ago and will NEVER go back to a corporate bank. Now, the only drawback to USAA is you have to be Military or former Military or have a direct relative who has an account.
Jason ON said…
Oh, okay. That makes more sense, then.
Tim Bond said…
Alice - usaa now is open for non-military folks as well. Totally free checking with interest, ATM fees refunded, deposits at UPS stores as well as free deposit mailers. And as a veteran, jason, you will be eligible for even more benefits.
Tim Bond said…
I've had my Wells Fargo account for 25 years (First Atlanta->Wachovia->Wells) and have kept it for last 10 years along with USAA because I imagined that I needed a local bank. I need to get rid of wells Fargo.
FWIW: Having been a BECU customer (15 or more years ago) I fell in love with the Credit Union vs Bank mentality. USAA goes beyond a Credit Union.
Boeing Employee Credit Union - Seattle, WA

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