I'm being tagged in a lot of photos of people I don't know.


Noble said…
how is that even useful to a spammer? I swear some people are professional dicks.
Jason ON said…
I've had it set up like that, too, Alice Cabrera , but I'm not being notified ti approve a tag, I'm being notified I've been tagged. When I click on the Gmail link it goes nowhere.
Tim Bond said…
Could the emails spam made to look like notification emails?
Jason ON said…
Good question. I know when I hit the link I'm being taken to the Google+ lightbox. I'll have to double-check.
Tim Bond said…
I wonder if they did something like twitter spammers who used to follow people and then unfollow them immediately. People would end up checking out the spammer's profile.
Steve Ruge said…
http://www.google.com/support/plus/bin/static.py?page=guide.cs&guide=1257351&topic=1672556 has the rules/options on tagging. These people have to be someone already in your circles.
Jason ON said…
I'll check that out tomorrow, +steve ruge.
Steve Ruge said…
I think the section you need is towards the bottom of that page but even there it is not clear.
Steve Ruge said…
At the top of that page it states:

Approve or remove name tags

By default, name tags added by people in your circles are automatically approved and visible to anyone who can view the photo. Name tags added by people outside of your circles, however, require your approval before the tag is linked to your profile, and the photo added to the 'photos of you' section on your profile.

Removing a name tag won't change the visibility of the photo itself. If you’d like to request to make the photo private, contact the photo owner.

Basically, Jason, someone in your circles is tagging you and until you find out who they are and remove them they have the green light to continue to do so.

(This was taken from the link I posted above.)
Steve Ruge said…
I lifted that directly from Google help pages. They say if the person is in your circle they are auto approved to tag your images. Only if they are not in your circle does that preference come into play.

Like I said they don't make the setting clear, or easy to understand.
Steve Ruge said…
Knowing Google they probably think if you took the time to circle someone then they are your friend and should get auto permission to tag your images.

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