Spent the day at Busch Gardens in Tampa sans Michelle Marie who couldn't make it.

Spent the day at Busch Gardens in Tampa sans Michelle Marie who couldn't make it.

It was a very hot very humid day and although I drank water all day long I somehow developed a strong headache that feels more like a hangover (dehydration) than anything else.

I'm just letting you all know that that's why I haven't been active on G+ too much in the past 24 hours. I will try and make some quality time for you, my fans, tomorrow. :)

Having said that, good night.


Michelle Marie said…
Did you have fun? Did you ride front row on the Sheikra? Thats my favorite ride :D
Rob Gordon said…
Are you on an extended vacation? It seems every time you post here, it is from a different State.
Jason ON said…
Michelle Marie, we rode the Shiekra, but a few rows back. I wanted the front but my brother and his girlfriend didn't care where they sat after our nearly 3 hour wait. Plus, it seemed like they were only letting fast-passers get into the front row.

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