But they're sooooooo yummy!

But they're sooooooo yummy!


Cassius Wright said…
go to a butcher and get real red meat, from a farm, and bypass this entire issue :-)
Nick Waye said…
Can't co-sign that dawg. I'll just die, happy.
Andrew Maxwell said…
I love me some hot dogs.
Jason ON said…
Or, realize none of us will live forever and enjoy it now: body and health concerns be damned!

(note: I don't eat a lot of processed meats or meats at all, actually)
Nick Waye said…
I personally try to stay away from processed anything.
Having tasted organic turkey hot dogs, I'm not surprised. They are far superior.

Agreed though. Going to die. Enjoy life, but everyone should make the choices with knowledge.
Rugger Ducky said…
It is so easy to make your own bacon. Or to buy nitrite-free foods. I got the yummiest all-organic hot dogs (nitrite free of course) from that uh, healthy food giant store, the other day. Pricy, but they were delicious. As long as you're willing to give up that reddish tint for a more odd but natural brown color, you'll find the taste is even better. There's no reason not to enjoy your food and your life as well.
If anyone wants instructions on how to make your own bacon, I'm happy to make some up. I can also teach you how to stuff your own hot dogs with natural casings, or most sausage. :)
Zei Schaefer said…
I can't get behind the "we're all going to die eventually" mindset. Have any of you ever known anyone with cancer? No thanks. I'll pass. I know I'm going to die eventually, but I'm not going to cut it short or end it in misery when I could be enriching the value of the years I spend here. Be it if I die tomorrow of unnatural causes or when I'm 95 and in my sleep.
derrick gilbert I don't eat hotdogs at all generally or most meat. My food allergies won't let me really be a vegetarian though even though I'm trying.

Zei Davis Yes, I have. I've also watched someone die of a massive stroke four days later as well as others live with disabilities after a stroke for years.

There is no way you'll know how you die. You have to do the best that you can know and that includes how you enjoy the life you have now.
Erika Williams said…
Furthermore, those articles are 5+ years old. Fail.
LOL. Hippies were into free love and drugs!

I'm allowed to be picky about food. I can't tolerate salicylates right now. Nitrates are nothing!
Rugger Ducky said…
And the worst part is that completely left off the entire place where it should say that pregnant women should never, ever eat deli meat. Not without at least heating it to kill the listeria. Yep, something that you probably wouldn't even notice you ate, might get a little gassy one day during your pregnancy, that can kill your baby. It can also kill the pregnant mother. It is way more common then anyone knows.


Sorry, replaced with way better link. Less spammy at least, but gov'mintal...sorry.
Rugger Ducky said…
Why would Erika have posted a wiki reference? Sorry, for some reason her comments didn't load into my feed until just now.

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