Aw, man! I thought this was tomorrow. I missed it!


Dirk Talamasca said…
Yeah, let's not forget that.
I'm confused. The article says it's tomorrow (Monday).
Robert Kennedy said…
Wouldn't it be done via a lunar calendar? And the new moon starts in 0.7 days (I have a neat app on my Droid that covers moon phases). Which would seem to be the likely start.
Also, I think Ramadan starts then.,,
Jason ON said…
An astronomical calendar yes, +robert kennedy.

+fernando Mariani Colon, the Celts began their days at Sundown of what we would call the day before. And I just realized I can do this tonight! July has 31 days! I was sure July only had 30. So, technically speaking, I can celebrate tonight at dusk.

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