I was able to get detained by TSA. More later.


Gene C said…
Did ya shake that booty when they gave ya a pat down?
Peter Menocal said…
They wanted google+ invites.
Fred Brundick said…
A couple of weeks ago I wandered all around O'Hare with my camera (and big lens) after passing through security. Some friends asked if I was approached, and I was not. I did steer clear of the checkpoints. If TSA had a sense of humor, I was going to ask them if I could have a copy of my x-rays for my lithotripsy.
Barton Cothran said…
That sucks. Hope the rest goes ok
Eric Morgan said…
Does this mean anyone in one of your circles lands on the no fly list? :)
Rafael Lopez said…
Make sure they don't steal anything from you.
Kaito Aviles said…
I demand they give you a thorough cavity search.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Did you get a free colon exam or at least a freedom pat?
Josh West said…
Really? That sucks.
James Johnson said…
Always a fun experience. Don't feel too bad - it happens to me just about every time I fly.
Tim Gray said…
Hey brother I live in Orlando. Whats the deal I live 5 minutes from the Orlando Airport.
J Johnston said…
its the most action I get
Jason ON said…
Tim Gray I actually live in Denver but was down there visiting family and for the Shuttle launch. Let's just say minimum wage government employees don't have the mental constitution to handle freedom and justice for all.
Yash Patel said…
That sucks dude lol
Jason ON said…
For those of you who care: http://goo.gl/TycOa This is what happened. I typed out a vast majority of this while waiting to board my flight and added a few words to help some paragraph transitions, but that's about it.

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