From a friend of mine on Facebook.

From a friend of mine on Facebook.

Has anyone with an android ever had someone else's contacts merge with yours and show up in your contact list? No, sorry...I don't know "sexxy daddy" or "gma aggie" or "eden"... Hopefully my contacts aren't floating around in another person's phone somewhere. If anyone gets random calls, it's not my fault!

Has anyone else ever had a problem like this? I thought perhaps she set up the Android to bring in contacts from Facebook or Twitter or something, but she says she hasn't and either way she doesn't know those people.

Any advice?


I never heard of that. Any chance it came from G+? Otherwise it must be FB or some app that she doesn't realize is pushing contacts.
Sounds like an infected app, trojan and someone messing with the phone.
first app type to check are "chat" apps. Lots of those around and many likely have bad intentions.
No idea, but my android killed google talk a few days ago... now I can't get it to work, uninstall, clear my data... nada. So apparently they don't want me to ever be able to use it again. :/
Jason ON said…
Thanks. I don't think she's on G+. I asked her about chat apps, D Vikingisson Schupp.
Israel Kendall said…
Never happened here, I'd bet there is more to the story, there always is more.
Yes, I have.. I also have contacts of two different friends merging together.. very annoying.
Jason ON said…
Romain Guy, sorry to bother you, but do you have any advice here? Thanks,
Tim Bond said…
ANY gmail/gtalk contact can leave that person in your contact list, so that can get out of control if you have android syncing with your entire list.
Udnaan Y said…
First thing to do is go to your contacts in gmail and check there. Do not panic. Google Contacts have the ability to get restored to their earlier state for up to 30 days (if i recall correctly)
First thing, do they appear in the web version of gmail contacts? Drop them there, verify they go away on the phone, and then watch what happens.
Udnaan Y said…
To restore the contacts, go to gmail>contacts>more actions>restore contacts
Melissa Gray said…
You can share contacts via blue tooth...
Robert Kennedy said…
It could be some sort of FB thing. When I got my DX, it imported my FB contacts including things like phone numbers of people!
Jason ON said…
She claims she's never done that with her Android. She also claims she doesn't know some of the people in her phone.
Mike Noftzger said…
I haven't had that issue, but I have had all of my Outlook contacts disappear and a couple days later reappear...Just out of the blue...
David Kite said…
Just an off the wall thought..... Might someone else have used the phone? Entered there own email Address Without her permission? Or to the like Merged their contacts that way.

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