For some reason I can't comment on Rob Andersen 's post, so I'm commenting here:

For some reason I can't comment on Rob Andersen 's post, so I'm commenting here:

You're right, he's not welcome here. Not only do we not want/need his rhetoric on the Ploos, but we also don't want his idiots fans coming here either.

Originally shared by MTD

F@ck this guy, he's not welcome here in the G+host Town.


MTD said…
Odd, it's not locked for comments and I haven't received any notifications about that post, but I have seen others getting notifications on their shares, so the Alex trolls are reporting people it seems.
Jason ON said…
Rob Andersen I tried twice, even reloaded the post and tried again but couldn't leave a comment. It was weird.
MTD said…
Jason ON that's really strange.
Stephen Dickson said…
Thats fucking awesome!

Yet so so yank.
In america, free speech ra ra ra. Except you you and you cause we don't like what you say.
americans overseas, don't worry about that shit we say in america, do what we say here or well freedom your pieces.

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