What motivates the alt-Right?

What motivates the alt-Right? Is it economic standing, dislike of liberalism or any of a gazillion other things that #DonaldTrump has awakened in them? Or is it something much more simple? Say, the loss of perceived privilege or standing?

But it goes deeper than that. The survey revealed that the alt-righters were much more concerned that their groups were at a disadvantage compared with the control sample. The alt-right (and white nationalists) is afraid of being displaced by increasing numbers of immigrants and outsiders in this country. And, yes, they see themselves as potential victims.

#TrumpNation, home of the disenfranchised racists.



michel prins said…
Kteily, the co-author on this paper, pioneered this new and disturbing way to measure dehumanization — the tendency to see others as being less than human. He simply shows study participants the following (scientifically inaccurate) image of a human ancestor slowly learning how to stand on two legs and become fully human. that isnt a very scientific test , give it to non alt righters and let them scale alt righters on that scale , my guess most of them will place them as sub human too !
Jason ON said…
michel prins source?
michel prins said…
just try it out your self, people will choose the neanderthaler not because they realy think they are subhuman just because it makes them feel good denegrating theire enemy.
Jason ON said…
So ... no source, just assumption?
michel prins said…
well source could be ure own critical mind think about it while looking at that guiness commercial picture.
michel prins said…
and yes after Diederik Stapel I dont see any socio pshycho studies as scientific. ;)
Jason ON said…
Have you ever noticed that those who espouse using "their own mind" are usually the ones without any actual facts?

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