Telecoms just want their cake and eat it too.

Telecoms just want their cake and eat it too. After decrying Obama-era rules regulating ISPs like utilities, the telecoms now want to be treated like utilities in that they want taxpayer funds to build out their networks instead of "letting the market take care of it."

For his part, FCC chair Ajit Pai has repeatedly cut away low-income subsidies for broadband while promising that the free market would provide. Now, the “free market” wants to provide, with our money, and then not be regulated in how they take that money—including, according to Arstechnica, how much they can charge areas that we subsidize the infrastructure for.

Originally shared by Linda Lawrey

Well, guess who’s telling everybody that they should be treated like a “common utility” now, and asking for taxpayer money to do the things they promised they would be able to do without net neutrality regulations? You guessed it.


Simon Vince said…
They shouldn't be the utility, but, the pipe should be. The sooner, the better.

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