So, I go over to Twitter this morning and I see some report about how Wil Wheaton has decided to leave Twitter.

So, I go over to Twitter this morning and I see some report about how Wil Wheaton has decided to leave Twitter. Okay, whatever. But, being the snarky guy I am, I post a comment along the lines of, "All the cool kids are using G+ anyway."

The idea being that Twitter is dumb and everyone who's anyone is over here and not there. And yet, to my surprise, that comment is getting a lot of likes. Okay, not "a lot", but five or six, which is a lot for me.

Is there some other meaning people are ascribing to my comment that I'm just not seeing? I fully expected people to get all bent out of shape and call Google+ a ghost town or call me a fool for using it or something, not "like" my comment.


John Bump said…
Maybe it's people who are still using g+, and are all "yeah!" is all.
Bodhipaksa said…
I agree with John Bump. Some people may also just be being polite.
Jason ON said…
John Bump I would be inclined to agree, but of the four or maybe five of us using G+, I didn't recognize any names. :P
Sounds like you have a lot of crossover between your Circles, and your Twitter followers. Maybe even people that followed you here first.
Jason ON said…
Christopher Gaul actually, I don't. I keep my Twitter and G+ very separate.
Robert Wallis said…
Jason ON if you were "early" to reply to a tweet by a high profile user which is getting a lot of eyeballs then your tweet catches some of that visibility.

Hence more interaction there for you than "normal".

I would also have expected the interactions on that topic to be aserbic though: but people probably read it as sarcasm, therefore "liked" it.
Jason ON I don't think you have the control you think you do.
More than once I've been surprised to have someone circle me on G Plus and then right after show up in my Twitter notifications too.
Jason ON said…
Christopher Gaul I don't get that so much on Twitter but LinkedIN is trying real hard to get to my GMail address book.
Jason ON oh man LinkedIn drives me mad with the contacts access begging!
Jason ON said…
Very much so. It's almost not worth using.
Aleks Fatuesi said…
Maybe they were just cool kids.
Perhaps G+ will become the new trendy thing, like PBR.

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