So .

So ... I left home on the bike, stopped somewhere for a couple of hours, left there and grabbed a a bite to eat, then headed to a movie screening. While sitting in traffic the bike died. Just died. No symptoms, no nothing.
I walk it to a nearby parking lot and check the battery. Everything seems kosher. No loose wires or anything. Next, I check the wiring to the stator. They all seem a-okay.
A guy stops, says he used to have a SV650. We chat and I ask if he has jumper cables. He does. So I push the SV over to his Honda CR-V and we hook the cables up. The bike tries to turn over.
Okay, so definitely a power issue. He turns on his car and the bike turns over immediately. Cool.
I leave it running while I put the plastics back on and everything is good. I pull my jacket and backpack on, the helmet and then the gloves. As soon as I throw a leg over the bike it dies. Not a losing power/sputtering kind of died, it just dies.
It makes no sense.
So, now I'm roughly 40 miles from home with a bike I can't guarantee will get me back.
Dude said if I'm still here when he leaves he'll help again, but this sucks.
[Image of where I jumped the bike from]
Or that the alternator isn't sending power out.
A new battery will probably get you home, but you need to sort out that charging issue.
And the "good Samaritan" left. Said he had other plans. Well buddy, so did I.
Luck to ya!
What ended up happening, I posted on FB, where I have more "local" friends, and someone who lived only a couple miles away came to rescue me.
Before that, though, I flagged down a guy and asked for a jump. He brought his truck over and we jumped it, but within a few minutes (getting the seat back on) it died. We tried push-starting it with no luck. Finally, we jumped it, he kept his hand on the throttle for me, keeping the RPMs up, while I put everything back on and I was able to ride it to my friend's house. From there, she lent me her car to drive home. I have the battery on the trickle charger and will go back tomorrow and ride it home, assuming the battery takes a charge. - Come visit Vickery Motorsports in Denver, Colorado.
Really sounds like a dead battery.
I don't think your battery is dead, this sounds like a contact issue. Intermittent too, so not easy to find... - FAQ: Colored wiring diagram --> all sv650 models - Suzuki SV650 Forum: SV650, SV1000, Gladius Forums
I put the battery in the bike at 12.27 volts.
Started the bike and it's sitting at 11.93v.
Rev'd the RPMs to about 3,000 and the bike gets up to 12.11v
Rode it home, keeping the RPMs above 3,000 the whole way (about an hour) and checked it again. It sits at 12.27.
At no point did it get up to 14ish-volts.
I think my stator's going ... again.
Thanks for looking that up, but ...
Jason ON first gen SV ....maybe it will help - SUZUKI SV650 / SV650S - Tips & Tricks
But now worries, I appreciate you looking things up and while there are many similarities between the SV650s and the 1000s, the two also have their differences.
Sounds familiar. Just potentially less cold and frozen while trying to fix it...