One has to wonder why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" aren't ranting and wailing about this?

One has to wonder why the so-called "fiscal conservatives" aren't ranting and wailing about this?

Originally shared by ****

I can't think of a better way to spend this much taxpayer money, can you?

Trump's military parade is now estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate



Bob Lai said…
Anyone who thinks this will be a one-off bit of Trump fluffing, raise their hand. This is going to become an annual event for him, and next year’s pageant will have to be bigger.
Jason ON said…
Bob Lai here's to hoping Congress decides it's a waste of money.
Bob Lai said…
Certainly not the Republican Congress. And it’s rather disturbing that the Pentagon hasn’t said NO. I mean, if Trump asked them to paint all their tanks pink, would they? Doubtful, because it’s a waste of money.
Jason ON said…
Bob Lai as the Commander-in-Chief the Pentagon can only advise the president, not command or deny his orders.
Bob Lai said…
Auto-correct. I gather you meant to say, ‘countermand.’

I seem to recall there was some question about this when Jimmy Carter, upon learning of his authority, ordered that Marine One (helicopter) come pick him up Right Now. Lots of scrambling around and embarrassment.
Jason ON said…
Bob Lai "countermand" also fits, but what I meant to say was the Pentagon cannot give commands to the CiC, nor can they ignore his orders. If he wants pink tanks and can find the money to paint them, the President can have pink tanks.

This is, of course, under the premise that the generals and advisors at the Pentagon can try to influence or persuade the president's decision, but ultimately, the power to command lies in the Chief Executive.
Bob Lai said…
I don't have a military background.

I consider the authority of the NCA to be separate from operational command.

An idiot who needs a parade to advertise his dick size really shouldn't be in 'command' of anything.

Jason ON said…
For the record, the Pentagon was able to put the whole thing on hold ... until 2019.

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