Would you rent out your bike? I'm thinking 'no' for me.

Would you rent out your bike? I'm thinking 'no' for me.


If I had more than one, and it was something like a KLR, maybe. 😄
Jason ON said…
John Myers why not?
Wallace Roberts said…
Kenneth Thompson , :-D
There are no words in the English language sufficient to express how much I disagree with this idea.

"No" falls about a light year short of how much I disagree with this.
Ryan Curtis75 said…
I've got friends that ride motorcycles and I wouldn't trust them with mine. It's a hard pass for me.
Jim Nichols said…
Go buy 10... 110 Hondas and rent the shit out of them.... my personal bike.... um
... not no but no.... to some unimaginable power of 10...
Ed Hewitt said…
I'd probably punch someone in the face if they asked me
Ryan Curtis exactly. For that matter, my wife and I don't even trade bikes with each other, let alone let a stranger ride them.
John Myers said…
Jason ON not the best at putting feelings into words. When i want to go on the bike i don't want it to be gone for the day without me. Too much mental stress.

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