File this one under: Stupid Things CBP Did Today.

File this one under: Stupid Things CBP Did Today.


James Karaganis said…
No graduated response? "I'm sorry, Ma'am, there will be a fine but as I see you have no previous violations it will only be $50." That would certainly be more than enough to encourage most ordinary people to be more cautious in the future. This is abusive.

The agent's handling of it was also very poor: "Well, it's about to get more expensive." Asshole.
James Karaganis said…
The article says she'll be fighting this in court. I doubt she has much of a chance, given the power the Supreme Court has given CBP, but maybe that dickhead agent will get hauled into court for a day to explain his behavior.
Bob Lai said…
What, she's supposed to give it back?

Have any of these clowns heard of food safety? If I order steak and potatoes, but don't eat the potatoes, you can't just toss them back in the pan and serve them to the next guest.
Jason ON said…
My problem with this is that it was the airline who gave her the apple while it flight. This isn't her trying to sneak contraband into the country it's her saving something that was obviously okay for the airline to transport. That she didn't declare a single apple doesn't make her a smuggler, especially since the provenance of the apple was known. And, if I didn't make this clear already: she didn't bring the apple from a foreign source, she acquired the apple from the airline.
Jeff Green said…
James Karaganis $50 would encourage her to be more careful in the future - $500 and the publicity seems likely to encourage many more.
su ann lim said…
What ever happened to common sense? I remember being in line behind passengers who inadvertently had fruit from airlines in their possession - the response from our agents was to point to a garbage bin provided for such purposes.
Sibyl L said…
su ann lim I remember when the airline specifically warned passengers as they were passing out forms on the flight that no fruits or vegetables could be brought into the country. Yet another amenity that's been cut...

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