Was #DonaldTrump's assault on the Syrian forces under Bashar al-Assad a violation of the Constitution?

Was #DonaldTrump's assault on the Syrian forces under Bashar al-Assad a violation of the Constitution?

One might argue that the AUMF (Authorize Use of Military Force) Congress passed shortly after 9/11 might be enough since ISIS is a direct descendant of al-Qaeda, but Trump didn't attack ISIS, he attacked the nation-state of Syria.

The War Powers Act (Resolution) is also very clear about when an Executive has the power to act without pre-approval by Congress: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution

Specifically, the USA, our allies or our interests, must be attacked first. In Syria our troops had not been attacked by the state.

It's fairly clear to me that Trump violated the Constitution, but it's also crystal clear to me that the #GOP doesn't care and they control Congress at the moment.


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