While none of us were looking #DonaldTrump stigmatized #TrumpNation again.

While none of us were looking #DonaldTrump stigmatized #TrumpNation again.

Or he just doesn’t give AF. And I quote: “Mr. Trump, several aides said, is unconcerned—or perhaps even unaware—of the distinction between cash assistance and other safety-net programs ... he calls them all welfare.”


Добрый вечер! Антихрист в США , а не в Россие!
Россия помогает Сирие в согласие ООН, а США нет и только огонь подливают в масло!
sword of light said…
Donald Trump is against the poor he is with the Masonic order Brotherhood of demonshttps://youtu.be/50F9906QzII
sword of light said…
Donald Trump is against the poor and needy he is just another Beast of Babylon Rome that adores her self
sword of light said…
Donald Trump is just another Beast of Babylon Rome working for the Masonic order Brotherhood of demons Jesuit order trained Masonic demonshttps://youtu.be/50F9906QzII
Dave Maez said…
OK, so I think that's good enough confirmation that sword of light is a poorly programmed bot, but I just can't figure out why. Like, what's the point?
Jason ON said…
Dave Maez either that or he/she was dropped on their head a lot.

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