What does "freedom of the press" mean to you?

What does "freedom of the press" mean to you? Does it mean that #DonaldTrump should be allowed to create a database of reporter's names so they can be monitored to ensure they're not reporting anything too critical of #TrumpNation? Does it mean, as long as they're not applying direct force, or direct threats, then the government can intimidate reporters and outlets as they wish? Remember, #DonaldTrump has been hammering on about the WashingtonPost because he doesn't like their coverage of him, so what happens when reporters are being denied travel visas, passports or having their IP address blocked because Trump decides they're #fakenews?


Jon Mallin said…
The country is descending into unimaginable horror, and this is a big step in that direction
Terence Reale said…
Jon Mallin I am uncertain how this will go. Either a "smooth" transition to post democracy, civil war, or collapse. I can not see a way back.... Unless "the mule" can upset the plans of the fascists.
Olaf Fichtner said…
From a sarcastic POV one could say that now journalists get to experience what common people already live with...
Jon Mallin said…
And what happens if the gov treats people differently based on social media scores? Think of it as a secret Klout score. They say social media following is the new currency. So might someone with influence receive political favorism? The echo chamber this might create and disenfranchisement of less popular opinion could be problematic.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Jon Mallin the PRC is already doing that, with the expected fallout and the US is asking visitors for access to their social media accounts.

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