We've seen #DonaldTrump dismantling the EPA, Education Department and Interior Dept.

We've seen #DonaldTrump dismantling the EPA, Education Department and Interior Dept. His administration is also destroying our foreign affairs corps. That coupled with the dismantling of our intelligence communities means just one 9/11 style attack and "rush to Nuke'em Trump" will finally be allowed to push the button he's been dying to try.



Jack Carlson said…
I don't think his goal is to fire the nukes. After all, most of them are aimed at Russia. I suspect he's making America easier for Putin to control. Putin has something on Trump that embarrasses him mightily, and when Trump's ego is threatened he'll go to any length to avoid damage. He's selling out this country just to avoid embarrassment.
Google censored 404 error,
Thats all I know.

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