Sometimes you see a news article and you wonder why you ever decided to get sober.
Sometimes you see a news article and you wonder why you ever decided to get sober. And remember, folks, this guy is allowed to vote.
Except he probably doesn't believe in evolution.
Flat Earth Society - Frequently Asked Questions - High-altitude balloon - Wikipedia
"In the Round Earth model, terminal velocity happens when the acceleration due to gravity is equal to the acceleration due to drag. In the Flat Earth model, however, there are no balanced forces: terminal velocity happens when the upward acceleration of the person is equal to the upward acceleration of the Earth." - The $150 Edge-of-Space Camera: MIT Students Beat NASA On Beer-Money Budget | WIRED - Flat Earth Researcher Told He Can't Blast Himself Into the Sky at 500 MPH on Public Lands
The thing is steam driven...
It can't generate that much force.
When Kenevel did the snake river stunt (with actual jet fuel), eventually he understood that he would be unconscious, shortly after ignition, he knew it would never work, but was not going to bail out...
Though, there are plenty of other factors, I doubt this guy has any clue about.
The fact that this guy has the perspective he has, makes me think his myopathy puts all kinds of blinders on him.
'An Hero' in the making!