Should we all start mailing letters to the White House addressed to the #ToddlerinChief instead of #DonaldTrump?

Should we all start mailing letters to the White House addressed to the #ToddlerinChief instead of #DonaldTrump?

In #TrumpNation my dog is smarter than your president.

Originally shared by The Atlantic

The Toddler in Chief


Bob Lai said…
And why has it taken so long?

I think I was calling Trump 'BOTUS' (Big Orange Toddler of the United States) after a couple of weeks ...
Jack Carlson said…
How much you getting paid, Kelly? Is it enough? How's your self-respect holding up?
Joe Hanley said…
You wonder if there is a concerted effort to encourage Trump's rage tweeting and press op posturing about things like the media or NFL to distract him from deadly foreign policy issues. Like when you give a toddler keys or a cell phone to play with.
Bob Lai said…
He seems to find plenty of time to tweet and blather about those, too.
Joe Hanley said…
So he's the toddler with the phone and the keys but who still wants to play with the chainsaw. The distraction thing only goes so far with a determined toddler.

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