Perhaps General Kelly should subtly push a copy of the Constitution over onto #DonaldTrump's desk with the part...

Perhaps General Kelly should subtly push a copy of the Constitution over onto #DonaldTrump's desk with the part about a free press highlighted.

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Should news networks be allowed to report stories that displease the president?

Earlier this year, the White House threatened to punish CNN for unfavorable coverage by ordering the Justice Department to deny the network’s parent company, Time Warner, its proposed merger with AT&T.


John Bump said…
You're assuming he can or wishes to read.
Jason ON said…
Yes, I am. Sad that we have to question whether our president can read.
Olaf Fichtner said…
You need to highlight way more... But John is right, if you want Trump to notice the Constitution, it would be best to broadcast it as a series of commercials on Fox.

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