Could you survive months at sea adrift?

Could you survive months at sea adrift?


Michael Smith said…
EPIRBs, or even just a PLB, could've ended this way sooner for them. Why take chances with your life adrift at sea when something between $150 to $500 could satellite call for help? - NOAA - Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking - Emergency Beacons
Jason ON said…
Not everyone knows about everything available to them, Michael Smith​.
Michael Smith said…
You're absolutely correct. I retract my statement.
Michael Smith said…
So the story gets even more bizarre. It appears they actually did have an EPIRB aboard, knew about it, but chose not to use it because they didn't feel their lives were in danger? o.O

And that storm that crippled their boat and damaged the mast? Meteorologists say it never happened. - Inconsistencies cast story of sailors rescued after 5 months at sea into doubt

Jason ON said…
Weird, but if they were adrift that long we have to consider the psychological punishment they were going through. Practically solitary confinement for months on end.

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