Olav Folland, About a week ago I received the postcards in the mail and failed to send you a note thanking you for two very real reasons: [1] I've been lazy and [2] when I wasn't being lazy I was busy away from the computer. Sorry about that. I do thank you. So, imagine my surprise when yesterday I get another envelope with five postcards in it. What , I thought. Just before tossing the envelope in the recycling bin I notice the postmark: May 8, 2017 . May 8! I checked the other envelope, the one I received last week, and it had a post mark of July 27. I can only conclude, the original batch that you sent me, around May 8th, somehow was shipped out on a tour of the world while the replacement shipment, sent about July 27, came straight here. On a side note, we did notice that something ordered back in December that just arrived with these "old" postcards. Funny story. Reminds me of he time I received five straight fortune cookies at a Chinese Restaurant, each with no...