The terrible cost of privatization.

The terrible cost of privatization.

What should be noted is many of these municipalities need to consider privatization because the people's elect councils and mayors who are opposed to raising, or even maintaining, tax levels. So, they privatize services only to see costs go up anyway - possibly higher than the proposed tax increases.


Jeff Creed said…
Here's some fun reading about Kentucky American Water, one of the subsidiaries of American Water (the private water company being considered to run Lake Station's water infrastructure.)

"This would be the fifth water rate increase in 10 years. If the Public Service Commission grants this latest request we will be paying 80 percent more for water than we were in 2006," Gray said in a statement. "It's time for the commission to say no."

Article is from 2016, KAW was ultimately granted a rate increase, but only 1/2 of what they asked for. - Proposed rate increase puts Kentucky American in the Top 30 most expensive taps in country

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