Fox News​ watchers from across the nation are sure to have some cognitive dissonance over this particular tirade.

Fox News​ watchers from across the nation are sure to have some cognitive dissonance over this particular tirade. Will it force some of them to think or will they deny everything and continue to feel comfort in ignorance?

For all we know, when all is said and done, there may be no "Russia/Trump" scandal, but sadly there are enough threads and enough smoke that, as a conscientious nation, we must look for fire.


Michael Meyer said…
As a Conscious Nation? (good word) with a moral compass tuned to generate the highest ratings and / or more sponsorship doe or at the bequest of the biggest sponsors. Yes, Media can be baught.
(Nacessistic greed a its finest?). so they miss this news. - Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead
Stephen Dickson said…
The problem you have Jason is there was a forest fires worth of smoke with 9/11....still nothing...
Jason ON said…
Stephen Dickson first of all, we're not talking about 9/11. Second of all, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you one of those but job conspiracy wackados?
Michael Meyer said…
Jason ON There has been a recent wave of conspiracy theory about the 9/11 this last week.
Enough so, I had to explain to a friend of mine that much of it was miss-guided conjecture.
A Boeing 707 was made in the late 1950 to the mid 1960 so it was made primarily out of 6061 aluminum which is weaker then the structural steel used in the twin towers. But, the 767 that was used to hit the trade center was made in the mid 1990's after the invention of 7075 aluminum which is stronger then the steel used in the trade center.
These conspiracy guys think that since the tower was designed to with stand being struck by a aircraft it was designed in late 1960's no 7075 aluminum only 6061.
These conspiracy guys think it was a government cover up and that we shot a missile or some such , or rigged it with explosives to make it collapse and that the plane buy itself could not have collapsed the building.
Jason ON said…
That's not proof, it's merely speculation and bad speculation at that.
Stephen Dickson said…
Ok let's simplify. Either of you done any logging or explosives?
Do you realize how technically hard it is to get something to drop on itself like those TWO did? Not one...two.
So something that in all reality was scarfed fell straight down. Yeah right.
And five eyes isn't a thing. Iraq had WMDs. Will I go on?

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