Didn't #DonaldTrump state that, should he win the election, he'd be the bigliest, besterest, most winningliest...

Didn't #DonaldTrump state that, should he win the election, he'd be the bigliest, besterest, most winningliest president the USA has ever had?

So, when does #TrumpNation stop being an embarrassment and start being winningliest?


Jerry Mael said…
No substance. Only rhetoric in the media.
The USA did not get afu overnight and will take much longer to fix.
MTD said…
He's setting the record books on fire, just not in the way he wants them to be.
Roberto Bayardo said…
He also said he'd release his tax returns.
Jerry Mael said…
Roberto Bayardo '..when the audit is over' is it?
would it matter? I presume you pay the minimum tax allowable, as well.
Jerry Mael said…
random national sample of 1,001 adult pollers..
who is fooling who?
I'd rather have a cheap con man than any of the regulars which would take their pay and run, Roberto Bayardo .
To be sure; I did not vote for him.
Roberto Bayardo said…
The point is he's a pathological liar, not that he might have paid "the minimum". More than likely though he's a tax cheat and his returns may shed light on his connections to Putin, which is why they won't ever be released by him (unless their release by someone else is imminent, as we've seen before...)
Jerry Mael said…
Roberto Bayardo
taxation is theft >_>
Roberto Bayardo said…
I hear the taxes are low in Somalia. Libertarian paradise that place.
Jerry Mael said…
Roberto Bayardo
Don't be such a tool of the system. Taxing one's productivity only makes them want to produce less when the tax rates gets to a painful level/.
import taxes would cover it all.
Jason ON said…
Jerry Mael​ taxes are not theft. Never have been. They're the price we all pay for living in a society. They pay for all those services that capitalism doesn't fund, like clean air, roads, safety, schools, etc.

Import taxes wouldn't cover much of anything.
Jerry Mael said…
Jason ON
What paid for that b4 taxes? Aliens?
We took care of our own country and they were not needed.
It is disturbing that this needs explained at all.
Jerry Mael said…
Tariffs, which are the only constitutional form of taxes and one reason why the US became a mighty engine of industry and innovation.
Lack thereof now is one of the reasons we are becoming a bankrupt, third world, ghetto.
The government got a tremendous amount of money from a sales tax on liquor. Before 1913, 40% of the government was funded by a tax on booze (alone).
Bob Lai said…
Hold my beer.

I hope the media understands there is no sober, responsible, intelligent, mature, adult version of Donald Trump lurking in the halls.

Record low? Just wait.
Michael Meyer said…
If you think about it. Trump has not lied anymore then any other president. Statistically the president's that lied the least should have been before 1890's? that's about the time we had communication from the West to the East coast as fast as electricity and a president speach could be heard or read across the nation. Before that it was news print. And back then no one really cared that much. Income Taxes did not start till 1925. A key fundimentals is what is the difference between repeating something your are taught that is wrong and lying. To many people today are binary thinking and abusive with there binary thinking. Religion is full of this kind of mistake. A mistake of believing something is true when after time you find it is false. Does that make you a liar. Flat Earthers are lyers or are global Earthers are lyers or are the hollow Earthers lying.
Michael Meyer said…
We are all lying when we know better if we don't know better it is the truth till we know better. So if you think trump is lying you are thinking Trump is really smart And he know better? Do you really believe he knows better?
Jason ON said…
Jerry Mael you have a very naive understanding of the differences between 19th century life in America and the modern world. For example, when "import taxes paid for everything" we had no standing army, no interstate highway system, no need for clean air/water protections, very little in the way of public schools, no national park system, no NASA, forensics, FBI, CIA or thousands on other things we currently have and need.
Michael Meyer said…
Metal Tiger why does that make any difference. Who cares? Except you and why. Everyone in there lifetimes has told a lie. So what. And about the Russians? We need them today and in the future to be our friends not enemies. Did you forget Snowden is in Moscow. And do you realize what Snowden did for a living and who. So how could any collusion between Trump's son-in-law and a Russian business autorney be more of a threat to our national security the Snowden? And how quickly you forget Hillary was Secretary of State and signed and oked the deal for Canada to sell Russia plutonium. And the Clinton foundation got 96 million for it but you think forgetting or denying to mention a business meeting with a rusdianautorney is more of a threat? Even though it is unsubstantiated. Who cares? Why do you think that is so important?
nydailynews.com - Fallout slams Hillary Clinton campaign as report says foundation got millions from donors tied to Russian uranium company
Jerry Mael said…
Jason ON Naive? Naive is thinking we started this nation to take care of the rest of the planet on our dime. >_>
Jerry Mael said…
But rather than get into your name calling match I 'll unfollow you.. you have nothing to show me that would sway an open mind. You are projecting the typical mantra and calling me naive for even questioning it. Large groups of people agreeing on something (or with someone) does not make it right.
Jason ON said…
Jerry Mael no we didnt start this nation to "take care of the rest of the world." That was a hard fought lesson learned after two world wars when we decided intervention was much more preferable to millions of lives lost to war and genocide.

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