You know how you make them hacker proof? Simple: don't connect them to the Internet.

You know how you make them hacker proof? Simple: don't connect them to the Internet.


John Bump said…
Go further: have them produce printed, human-readable, paper ballots that people voting can look at and verify that they're correct, and then feed those into optical scanners that tabulate, and maybe display the results of the scanning if you're paranoid about the scanner integrity.
Keith Keber said…
They don't need to be connected if the companies that built them and sold them to the taxpayers were the ones that built in the flaws. Most of the companies have long known about the issues, but somehow refuse to do anything about them. These companies are conservatively owned and run. Some people think the "flaws" these hackers are revealing are really "features".
Bryce Miller said…
Actually, according to the article, vulnerabilities were found that don't involve the internet.
Jason ON said…
My original comment was in regards to outside forces hacking voting machines. Nothing is truly unhackable - we all know that.

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