That is what political discourse has devolved to in America.

That is what political discourse has devolved to in America.

For the record, I've seen this word pop up a few times in the past couple of weeks:


(yes, there is a definition for devolve, but it's not what the intent of is here in this article:

Let me be crystal clear, there is no such thing as de-evolving. None. You either evolve or you don't. To evolve does not always mean in a direction you want to go or believe something should go, it merely means to adjust to your environment (over the course of many, many, MANY generations, of course).

But yes, political discourse has evolved over the past few years. I would posit that it has evolved in direct correlation to the usage stats of social media. As more and more people are looking at their Facebook and Twitter feeds (just to pick on two of the more well known social media sites) they're witnessing racing to the bottom of respectable behavior and gladly jumping on because thinking is hard.

Where once people might have shared a few words in a public or private setting and then remembered the old adage about never discussing politics or religion (or OSes) with friends, family or strangers, before changing subjects, now we have 24/7 access to protection from repercussions via our keyboards and that has only encouraged or inflamed those who would otherwise be silent.


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