Seriously? Bernie Sanders is extremely popular, not only in Vermont but across the globe. Does this guy really think he can unseat Sanders or is he a litmus test by the Democratic establishment to gauge whether or not the party is on the right track?
His reasoning was that Trump won the general in that state by 44 points, so more conservative Democrats stand the best chance. BULLSHIT. This is why:
Trump won his primary in WV by almost 80 points. That shows that establishment republicans are overwhelmingly disliked there. Bernie won the Democratic primary by 16.5 points, which shows establishment democrats (figureheaded by Hillary) are also enormously unpopular. Manchin is a Hillary democrat.
Between the top two republicans in the primary (Trump and Cruz), there were 175k votes cast.
Between the top two Democrats there were 230k votes cast.
Trump won the general against HILLARY. The clear message is that the people of WV will do anything to avoid an establishment candidate, especially an establishment Dem.
And Entin thinks the establishment Dem is the answer?? Give me a fucken break. Watch Manchin lose the primary and WV become an overwhelming blue state with a progressive populist.