In #TrumpNation the only thing hysterical is how fast and far our reputation on the global arena has fallen.

In #TrumpNation the only thing hysterical is how fast and far our reputation on the global arena has fallen. And it's all due to one man and the less that 50% of voters who put him there.


su ann lim said…
How terrible! What a way to convey to the rest of the world 'the hired help cannot be trusted' in this family business. What a way for them to further undermine Donald's role and reputation and demonstrate a complete lack of respect for G20 participants and activities.
Bodhipaksa said…
It's such an insult to world leaders, many of whom are allies.
Bob Lai said…
Is that a blank stare on Donald's face? Why, yes, it is.

He gets lost twice in two days, has to be prompted to respond to a photo-op, and now, Ivanka is subbing for him?

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