I can't get the video to load on mobile at the moment.

I can't get the video to load on mobile at the moment. Can anyone else verify the woman in the photo appears to be Ms. Earhart?


Lars Fosdal said…
Photo is not definitive, but plausible.
Tammy Moore said…
It is a photo of someone's back. You cannot see their face.
James Karaganis said…
Yes, it does look like her. A bit grainy but yes, it could be.
David Simmons said…
It article didn't state when the photo was taken. The photo could have been taken before she disappeared.
Noonan is the more identifiable image in the photo, not Earhart.
Given that it's on the History Channel, I'd tend not to believe it. I still prefer this theory: seeker.com - Earhart's Final Resting Place Believed Found
Bodhipaksa said…
It does look like her and Noonan.
Bodhipaksa said…
One thing that's a bogus is that they say that the ship Koshu is pulling something 38 feet long. That's rather too precise given that this has to be an estimate taken from an image of a ship in the background of a grainy photograph.
Lars Fosdal said…
Bodhipaksa Ships are internationally registered with their measurements, though. Hence the exact length of Koshu is known.
Bodhipaksa said…
Even then, Lars Fosdal, the photograph is inherently grainy and any estimate of the length of any other object has to involve guesswork. Plus, there's the question of parallax. There's no way of knowing whether the object on the barge is precisely aligned. Turn it a few degrees either way and the apparent length will change. The precise 38 foot measurement smacks of someone seeing what they want to see.

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